Siena Mini Paper Vase by Octaevo in mint
Siena Mini Paper Vase by Octaevo in mint
Siena Mini Paper Vase by Octaevo in mint
Siena Mini Paper Vase by Octaevo in mint
Siena Mini Paper Vase by Octaevo in mint
Siena Mini Paper Vase by Octaevo in pink
Siena Mini Paper Vase by Octaevo in pink
Siena Mini Paper Vase by Octaevo in pink
Siena Mini Paper Vase by Octaevo in pink

Mini gerro de paper Siena


Aquest gerro de flors artesanal us porta a un viatge pel Mediterrani. Fet amb paper especial impermeable.

Utilitzeu aquest gerro atractiu per adornar el vostre escriptori o taula de menjador, o com a regal pensatiu i original. Deixa florir la teva imaginació.


1. Carefully cut off the top of a plastic bottle. Alternatively use a medium-sized glass or a ceramic vessel. Top the container half-way up with water and place it on a flat surface.

2. Open the paper vase by gently pushing in the edges and slip it over the container. The vase is made of waterproof paper. Should the paper get wet, simply let it dry. Arrange the flowers and brighten up your favourite spot.

  • With notecard and envelope
  • Material: 180 gr waterproof paper
  • Size: 168 x 168 mm
  • Print: Offset with metallic foil stamping
  • Embellishment: Laminated and sewn by hand
Siena Mini Paper Vase by Octaevo in mint

Mini gerro de paper Siena


How to use it

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