Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in blue
Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in blue
Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in blue
Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in blue
Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in orange
Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in orange
Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in orange
Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in orange
Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in green
Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in green
Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in green
Atlas Glass Bird - Octaevo
Atlas Glass Bird - Octaevo

Ocell de vidre de l'Atles


Creat com un reflex il·limitat del nostre amor pels viatges, aquest ocell de vidre decoratiu fet de vidre fos és bufat a mà per artesans experts. Utilitzant eines especialitzades per donar forma al material fos, pot variar lleugerament de mida i color.

Definit per un personatge únic que neix de textures mesmèriques i un ús sorprenent del color, aquest ocell és una peça atractiva i prou sòlida com per evitar que les teves notes s'esgotin.

  • Size: L 13 cm x W 6 cm x H 8.5 cm
  • Material: Hand blown glass
  • The product might vary slightly from the picture due to the nature of being 100% handmade
Atlas Glass Bird by Octaevo in blue

Ocell de vidre de l'Atles


Productes suggerits

Agave Glass Container Large - Octaevo
Recipient de vidre d'agave gran
Templo Candle Holder by Octaevo in blue
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Cistella de ceràmica Sicilia – Menta lleugera
Templo Incense Holder by Octaevo in green
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